Michael Abramson aka PoeticAlways

Michael Abramson

Poetic Always


If you cut your teeth on my words,
you will be sharp enough to eat with the best of them.



Writer, poet, storyteller, fantasist, lover, humorist, and purveyor of truth, who sees the world as it is, unforgiving yet beautiful, and who knows he cannot live in it forever, yet knows he will never die. An unassuming often child-like buffoon full of the devil and full of life.

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Paperback $15.00
Ebook $7.99

Buy the book here! Volume 1 Buy the book here! Volume  2
Buy the book here! Volume  3 Buy the book here! Volume  4
Current Titles
Poetry through stained glass

                  Publisher:ISBN 1-58898-481-8
Poetry Through Stained Glass
                  Publisher: ISBN 1-58898-508-3
Quotations, quotations, quotations
             Publisher: ISBN 1-58898-629-2
Poetry Through Stained Glass
        Publisher: ISBN 1-58898-677-2


A wonderful original new series of books in poetic form written by Michael B. Abramson, (AKA Poetic Always). Full of humor, insight, truths, fantasy, love and life, no matter how ridiculous they sometimes appear.

Contact this Author

Author Bio: Michael Abramson

This author is sensitive, kind, and humorous, yet sometimes poignant and satirical. Regardless of his mood, he will take you on a trip that I think you will enjoy. He will take you from belly busting humor to deep thought-provoking mindful interludes. He will do this with his adept use of his original quotations, poetry, satire, puns, alliteration, double-entendres and fantasy. His work is clever and amusing as well as thoughtful and musing. Life, love, laughter, and language are subjects from which he draws his strengths.



If when you read and like my little quotes
go ahead and buy the book, you'll need not take a lot of notes.
Just memorize and learn one quote each day,
and like the bard of Canterbury they'll hear what you will say.
Alas, alack, the time has come to dig into your purse,
so that you may start each day with yet another poem or verse.
I know you will enjoy as I, this tiny bit of life's small pie,
So eat it fast, or eat it slow, but don't forget to eat it-----go.



At night I'll often toss and turn,
And roll from side to side,
And wrestle pillows in my bed,
As a thousand thoughts of you and others,
Are running rampant through my head.

It's then I'll often raise my arm,
Turn on the light and grab my pen,
And put some words upon some paper,
So that I'll not forget them then.

When morning finally comes once more,
I'll see them in a different light,
And feed them into my computer,
Where they'll stay safely out of sight.

How far those thoughts have traveled now,
To find their final home,
From you to me and to my bed,
And then at last to my computer,
They did roam,
Another day, another night,
Alas another poem.




Aside from his creative writing , the author has designed hundreds of antique
African Trade Bead necklaces.

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